Attached you will find the new 2023 rebate list for Semco. These changes went into effect on Jan 3rd, and were updated on the website and contractor portal at that time. We are trying to avoid using paper copies for the rebates, but if it can’t be avoided send me an email requesting them as they are not available online. The website is
Efficiency United/Michigan Gas Utilities
Efficiency United which for most of you is Michigan Gas Utilities in your area the rebates are not changing from 2022 levels. New applications are available on the website I don’t have a list quite yet for them but the one from last year is still accurate.
I want to thank each and every one of our Trade Allies for sharing information and submitting an amazing number of rebates in 2022. These programs are really driven by you and your efforts to take care of your customers. I am looking forward to a successful 2023 and as always any questions, concerns, or assistance that you may have or need please let me know.
Lastly I understand for many companies that there have been quite a bit of employee turnover, so if there is any updated contact information or a change in name of who should be receiving emails please let me know.