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Battle Creek Drain Services
Serving Augusta, Bellevue, East Leroy, Marshall & The Surrounding Towns
Out of all the most dangerous plumbing equipment you can lay your hands on, it should be no surprise to learn that a clogged drain is both the most persistent and the most potentially damaging and dangerous for you when it comes to the various appliances or utilities in your home. A drain that clogs up can cause materials to become expensive, and can even cause you to end up with no water, power or A/C.
You should call our dependable Battle Creek drain technician today if you are experiencing the following issues with your drain:
- Strange noises like glunking, gurgling, or bubbling noises whenever the drain is used
- Water is slow to drain out of the sink or the pipe basin when you are finished washing your hands
- You have chronic clogs, in which items or water drains normally from the drain, then once again quickly gets clogged
- There is a foul, unpleasant odor coming from the drain
When to Turn to the Pros
If you are like most people, you will want to exhaust your other options before calling a professional company to repair you in & out of your house. This includes trying store-bought drain-stoppage products that may come in liquid or gel form, or even using a plunger, which is a simple, easy trick.
Why Choose A. W. Crooks Plumbing & Heating?
Serving Battle Creek, MI Since 1912
Our licensed technicians provide top-quality service on each appointment.
We are a family-owned business in our community for over 100 years.
Our team is ready to handle your emergency plumbing, heating, or air issues.
Call us today for a free estimate on a service.